1 John 3:2 - Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.
Here's another core truth to hold on to in the midst of the storm. We are no longer spiritual orphans, blowing in the high winds from pillar to post, rather we are soundly grounded through the supernatural transformation of our spirits and the renewal of our minds into a child of God. He has the characteristics of a father, one who deeply and sincerely cares for us. And not only can we call ourselves and experience new life as His child, we know that soon, very soon, Christ will appear to finish His work on earth and we shall both be LIKE Him and also see Him in all His splendour, the mystery will be lifted and we shall see Him face to face.
We have this to look forward to, and to hold onto as a promise. We are children of God. I am a child of God.
Prayer: Abba, (which means Father), Father thank you for bringing me back into your Kingdom as Your child. Thank you for rescueing us from the destruction of the evil one and placing a new life inside us. Help us to believe in Your good works in us and through us and humbly serve You in this 'lost' world throughout these remnant days. Amen.
