Today's Blog was written by Alexa Allen.
Mark 9:23-24* "...Everything is possible for the one who believes." Immediately the boys father exclaimed. "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"
(*The mark 9 scripture tells the story of Jesus healing a demon possessed boy)
This is a prayer that is often on my heart and tongue. As a person struggling with severe mental health issues, I find that confusion attacks even my ability to comprehend belief, let alone being able to know if I am actually in a state of believing.
Overcoming the unbelief means overcoming all the battles against it, and this can only be done through the power of God. The 'belief' we are praying for is the belief in God and that NOTHING is too hard for Him, including Him helping us to overcome our unbelief. Our ability to believe in God is a gift from Him. It is Not something we can obtain without His help.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you that You saved me by grace through FAITH, as a gift from You. Lord, I depend upon You and my believing in You and trusting in You for all I need. Lord, I do believe in You, but sometimes my belief is very weak amd elusive. Thank you Lord that you say in Your word in Matthew 21:22 "IF you BELIEVE you will recieve what ever you ask for in prayer" and Lord you showed us yesterday that our confidence in You answering our prayers comes from us asking of you and praying to you what is already written in Your word, so Lord, in faith we say 'I DO believe; help me overcome my unbelief' ~ and because that is written I know you are helping me to overcome. Make my belief strong heavenly Father. Praise you Lord. In Jesus name we pray x amen