Todays blog post was written by Alexa Allen.
2 Timothy 1:7 - "For God has not given us a spirit of fear but
of power and love and of a sound mind".
A spirit of fear, or, a fear filled spirit is not coming from the Holy Spirit. It comes from the powers of darkness. Jesus is of the light and the darkness has not and can not overcome Him. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He is The Word made flesh. God has equipped up with His Word, the Sword of the Spirit, Holy Scripture. If or when the spirit of fear arises we can stand strong with Jesus, on scripture and speak it. There are many scriptures I speak to combat attacks of fear, but this one is a key one for me because it speaks of the sound mind. ‘Sound mind’ comes from the Greek word sōphronismos, which translates as discipline and self control. God has blessed us with a new spirit, the Holy Spirit, to come and live inside us. The only reason we can KNOW that we have a sound mind is because our mind is now of Christ, and it is Christ who transforms us and renews our mind. This is promised by God. As new creations in Christ we now have living inside us the Holy Spirit. His power and His love lives inside us. He is the one bringing us into a sound mind ~ especially so when we ASK for it, because God loves to hear our prayers, and He loves to hear us ask for what He has promised. God built us to be in partnership with Him, to participate with Him. His will for us is in His Word. Lets ask . . .
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for Your Son, Jesus Christ, who died for us, to bring us into eternal freedom and love with You. Thank you Jesus that when you ascended you sent your Holy Spirit to come and live inside each one of us. Thank you Holy Spirit that you are our guide, leading us into all truth. Thank you that you ARE power, you ARE love, you ARE the sound mind. Lord, help us breathe, think, walk, talk and LIVE remembering this truth ~ that a spirit of fear, any fear generating lies that come about us are NOT from you. Thank you for reminding us that we have been given a sound mind that is empowered by the Love of Jesus Christ, who’s spirit lives inside us. This is our promise from You. Help us remember this in each and every moment this day. Thank You God that in You I have a sound mind x In Jesus name we pray. Amen