Psalm 75: 5
"For you have been my hope, Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth."
I've been talking a lot about hope recently and hopelessness, to be devoid of hope. The contrast for me on having faith as small as a mustard seed burning in my chest and the hope that arises from that hope is striking. The psalmist declares where his hope lies, in the Sovereign Lord, and that it has since his youth. I feel the same, my hope rests in God, my saviour, whom i trust and whom I KNOW through the works i see in my life and in those close to me has a plan for my life. I have solid hope to rely on because of my relationship with He that brings hope and is my hope, Jesus. It will be a mystery if you don't know Him personally, but you can with one prayer and through surrendering your life to Him. Are you ready for that?
Prayer: Thank you Jesus for being the anchor in my soul, the hope of my salvation and the hope within the core of my being. Through You I can see a path ahead, with You I have a future I can delight in. I pray that you would increase my faith today and build that hope inside me. Thank you Lord. Amen.